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  • Writer's picturePrachi Marfatia

Top 8 Pancake Hacks

#1: Use mix-ins individually.

You know when you try to make blueberry or chocolate-chip pancakes, but only the last couple come LOADED? Frustrating as heck, am I right? You can easily prevent this by pouring a ladleful of plain batter on the pan, then evenly sprinkling your add-ins on top. That way, each pancake is even, and everyone's happy. (But if you want to mix chocolate chips right in so you get them to yourself, I won't judge.)

#2: Choose the right oil.

Seems like a bit of a stretch, huh? Well, I promise you: it makes a difference. And don't skimp! If a little too much falls on, take a paper towel and lightly(I said lightly) It only takes a few drops, and your reward will be those crispy, crusty edges that are pancake perfection. I've tried using butter, ghee, coconut, olive, sesame, and regular old vegetable oil. The winner? Sesame! I promise you won't taste it. Ghee and vegetable oil are very close seconds.

Bonus tip: If your pancakes don't seem to be cooking on one side(no color or browning), slide a little bit of fat(any oil) around the sides. It should sizzle and help crisp-ify everything.

#3: No egg? No problem!

If you don't eat eggs or simply don't have them on hand, don't fret. One day I was making waffles and in fact, forgot to put in an egg! Full disclosure: the result was still so good!

Just add a tablespoon or two of yogurt in place and everything will turn out just fine. You won't even taste the difference!

Vegan readers: stick around. One of the featured posts in the coming weeks is an ultimate guide to vegan pancakes....

#4: All you need is patience....and a lid.

Frustration. That moment of pure sadness when you think your pancake is done, but when you edge the spatula underneath, it does that absolutely HORRIBLE thing where it splits in the middle. And you're left with a sad, hot, mess.

Fear not! This trick works like a charm! If you notice this happening with your pancake, carefully set it back down, take out the spatula, and cover it with a lid. The steam from the closed space will eventually ease out the picky batter and you'll be good to go. But remember, patience is key. This is also a great tip to use if poha sticks to the bottom of your pot too.

#5: Don't forget leaveners!

Baking powder and baking soda. My two BFFs.(Along with apples, cinnamon, and brownies, of course). But there's one catch- expired product will make pancakes flat! And unless you're making crepes or savory pancakes, we don't want that, do we?

P.S.: Remember to activate them for maximum fluffiness.

#6: Consistency is key.

My mom always tells me to make the batter thinner- but I never listen. For your batter, it should be pretty much in the middle. For pancakes you can add a little water or buttermilk to thin it out, and for waffles the opposite- keep it slightly thicker. You should be able to easily pour it onto your pan using the side of the bowl.

#7: Start small.

I know, I know, how are you going to get that nice, fat stack for breakfast with itty-bitty pancakes? The trick here is to make them a little larger than your spatula, but not more than twice the size, as that will create the flipping disaster, once again. Especially with banana pancakes and other vegan recipes. Plus, they'll be thicker: less spreading area+baking soda= ultimate fluffy pancakes!

#8: Don't over-mix....but don't undermix either.

What's the difference between a tough pancake and a fluffy pancake? No, it isn't a joke. Pancakes, especially when made with heartier flours like oat or whole-wheat, tend to turn out rubbery, chewy, and tough. Dense, heavy, annoying, and definitely not pleasant to eat! But this can be avoided by simply knowing when to stop mixing. For the right amount, gently stir the batter, and it's OK to have some lumps. Just make sure that you can't see any dry flour, even when you scrape around in the bottom.

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